A picture is a secret about a secret,

the more it tells you the less you know..

Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, 

every hundredth of a second...

The camera is an instrument that teaches

people how to see without a camera..

A Camera is a save button for the mind eye

There is only you and your camera. The

limitations in your photography are in yourself,

 for what we see is what we are..

Photography is like a moment, an instant.


need a half-second to get the photo. So it's 

good to capture people when they are 


Photography, as a powerful medium of 

expression and communications, offers an

 infinite variety of perception, interpretation 

and execution..

Photography can only represent the present.

 Once photographed, the subject becomes

 part of the past.

Photography is more than a medium for 

factual communication of ideas. It is a 

creative art.

Photography is an immediate reaction, 

drawing is a meditation.


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